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Player: 171442 Guild: actually four guilds Title/Rank: Gorgo the Level: 128.70 (Rank 396) Economy: 11,246 Account: Upgraded Expire: 17 Apr 2027 Account Age: 5,911 Days | Tribulation On the hot, noxious winds of war I ride With armor of mist and lance of moonbeam Into the ear of Death I must confide My desire to escape this dark and Godless dream Ravenous mouths howl up to the falling stars Before sinking jagged teeth into the throats of men Bloodlust even greater than that of Mars Is lost in the chorus of murder and sin Tearful Angels spread their golden wings And flee the corruption our arrogance has loosed From highest of clouds to the valley of Kings They know from scripture there will be no truce From the bowels of Hades the dead do rise Their realm swollen like a corpse ready to burst Impervious to the seduction of our emperor's lies Like banshees they try to quench the unquenchable thirst Oh those forsaken souls who weep so loud Who rode the dragon's back and basked in Its fire Now crawl through hot blood under a sulfer cloud Seeking escape from the Devil's ire They hate their mothers for giving them life They curse their fathers for planting their seed But the one they fail to blame for their misery and strife Is the face in the mirror that failed to take heed Timothy L. Frasier |